Scheme 4: Protection for ATMs

Major cybercrimes which plague the banking sector are ATM frauds, denial of services, credit card frauds, phishing, data stealing by dishonest employees etc. The annual economic cost of cybercrimes is now estimated at USD 1 trillion (USD 1000 billion). It will perhaps give the gravity of this global problem.

Bank robbing is an age-old crime. Today bank thefts are done digitally and with a lot of more speed and stealth than in days gone-by. It is a daily occurrence and we don’t even hear about most of them as it has reached a stage of helplessness. The rate of breaches in banking sector over the past 5 years has tripled. 100% of banks are found to have vulnerabilities in the software applications. Almost all banks are vulnerable to social engineering attacks.

As a result of the growing use of internet and developing advanced technological systems globally, there has been an apparent increase in the usage of online banking systems across the world; accompanied by wide-spread incidents of fraud and cyber-attacks. Globalization of the banking system triggered e-banking. It encompasses various disciplines of marketing, e-commerce, formation systems, business management etc. Global internet users are increasingly spending more time online. Banks, in most of the countries provide their service online to keep their online customers satisfied. They can do most of the banking transactions without being physically present in the bank. Internet banking becomes more wide-spread penetrating in every commercial transaction all over the world including the rural areas.

The number of cyber-attacks directed against the internet users also is parallelly growing. Their computers are constantly targeted by viruses, worms, port-scanning software, spyware, adware, malware, key loggers etc. It has become unfortunately a golden age for bank robberies. They make millions without much effort, with a relatively low risk of detection. Hackers quickly adapt to the changing environment and technological upgradation to manage and exploit the weak and vulnerable bank security systems. Under-ground web forums, anyone can freely purchase software to conduct a cyber-attack. An attacker with minimum knowledge can steal/loot millions of dollars by penetrating a bank network.

IT security at banks miserably fail to protect banks from cyber-attacks. In early 2018, president of the world economic forum admitted that world-wide losses from cyber-attacks has crossed USD 1 trillion (1000 million USD). Hackers target banks on internet transfers, ATM management, e-banking and payment gateways. The range of targets is broad. In order to steal money, criminals need to penetrate the bank’s infrastructure. Criminals manage to bypass all protection mechanism as it is quite weak, inefficient and fragile to guard valuable assets, documents, data, currency etc.

Some of the common vulnerabilities of the banks are:

·       Vulnerabilities in web applications

·       Insufficient network security

·       Server configuration flaws

·       Deficiencies in user account and password management

·       Vulnerabilities to social engineering attacks

·       Imperfect internal network security

The above court order assumes significance to all bank authorities

Dishonest banking employees:

It is quite sad to learn that a significant proportion of bank employees are dishonest to their job. The present prevailing business culture in the banking industry, weakens and undermines the honesty norm. This modern culture is seen in every other industry. There is no deliberate measure to evade dishonest individuals or reward officials with high level of honesty and integrity. It is very important to re-establish an honest culture in our society.

Even a clerical mistake may damage the bank heavily in the computerized banking system. Punishments for such mistakes are the minimum. This will encourage dishonest employees to exploit such opportunities to their personal benefits by making intentional mistakes.


Ateendriya Suraksha will guard the institution from such dishonest employees. It may be little difficult for you to understand as to how is it possible to detect such crimes. This question could be better answered by implementation of Ateendriya Suraksha and get convinced by yourself. It may be very difficult for you to get a logical answer, as Ateendriya Suraksha is established beyond the logical sense of panchendriyas.

Relying on the present anti-virus solutions and other security systems are therefore mere foolishness and waste of money. They are incapable to address the issue and fail to give adequate protection. “The chain is as strong as its weakest link.” Ateendriya Suraksha can give 100% protection to the entire banking sector, other financial/commercial institutions and make them free from all kinds of cybercrimes, robberies, manipulations, internal/external attacks. Fearless online banking, free from corruption, frauds etc will bring prosperity, transparency and truthfulness to this very crucial sector of the modern society.


1. Provides Z+ category protection to millions of ATMs in India and overseas 24×7

2. Total safety for ATM users

3. Z+ safety to mobile ATMs

4. Automated system to help police to arrest criminals who loot ATMs

5. Diffuses all types of external attacks on ATM

6. Prevents all types of hacking attempts on ATM

7. Diffuses mob violence on ATMs

8. Safety system guaranteed even in the absence of power failure

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