a) Fast approaching disastrous flood wiping out many countries from the land permanently
c) Surging sea engulfing 30% of the land permanently
d) Aftermath of the rise of sea water level
e) Countdown clock of the global flood disaster
f) Predicted time of occurrence of Global flood disaster
g) Synopsis of the book “Radiation of multiple internal and external forces in you”
2. Prediction II – Prediction of Tsunami attacks demolishing many Atomic nuclear plants
3. Predictions III and IV – Sudden sea water level rise up to 10 meters and 25 meters respectively
4. Prediction V – Upside-down phenomenon of the planet Earth
5. Solution for preventing or minimizing the above predicted catastrophes
There are many stories prevailing regarding the formation of Mother Earth, but it is the undisputed reality that, this is the place that each one of us calls “HOME”. This is the place we all live together with all other inhabitants at the moment. There could be millions of solar planetary systems and galaxies around the outer space of our Home planet Earth. You may be able to roam over the whole universe but we may not find a better place, or rather there is no place like Home.
It is truly a wonderland created by the Almighty with 149 million Sq. Km of land area and 361 million Sq. Km of ocean, consisting of many rivers, meadows, valleys, high mountains like the Himalayas spread across seven continents and about 221 countries. All these have unfortunately become almost a thing of the past. Our Home, the mother land was once a destination of wondrous forms and poetical aesthetic beauty and picturesque virgin display of splendid with numerous diversities of plants, trees, flowers and other living eco-friendly inhabitants.
All these natural divine and pure destinations of the Mother Earth have become our dump yard of plastic waste, human waste, industrial waste, chemical waste, and converted them as colonies of fatal disease-causing bacteria and viruses.
We have now highly polluted air to breath, highly polluted water to drink and highly polluted soil for our cultivation. Smoke emitting from plastic burning, from aircraft, burning of petroleum products, fossil fuel burning is some of the major contributing factors leading to an unforeseen catastrophe including large scale mining, high frequency of sound, large scale deforestation and high density of population. You may look at our beaches, rivers, seas, agricultural land, townships, valleys and mountains peaks; it is highly polluted everywhere. It has become a mere dump yard of all sorts of throw-away things. Are we not ashamed to be known as a civilized society? Is it the true meaning of civilization? Each one of us are directly or indirectly responsible for this man-made disaster. The modern civilization had miserably failed to understand and learn the basic lessons of co-existence. We do not respect or accept the sanctity and power of natural forces and their laws. Idiotic lifestyle of this modern generation is leading us towards a dead-end of no return. We have made the natural forces violent, which is capable to destroy our so-called advancement. If it is allowed to be continued, the Nature will destroy everything and terminate existence of human life. Human race itself will get obliterated if we fail to take corrective action to clean up the Nature, ensuring our home Earth free from all types of pollution.
All the projects mentioned here are focused to clean up the Nature from the dangerous suffocating pollution. The sooner we implement, the faster will be our scope of survival. This may be the only option left to escape from the forthcoming worst global flood disaster.
a) Sudden rise of sea water level to five meters from the present level permanently commencing within 2026 AD. Permanently means the water will never get receded.
b) No sufficient time will be available for evacuation. Rise in the water level is not going to be a gradual slow process. People staying in low level area may not get the luxury of time once the event commences.
c) The entire coastal belt is going to be swallowed by the sea permanently, i.e., over 30% of the presently inhabitable land area.
d) Almost 2 billion people (200 cores) are estimated to be homeless, migrants and refugees.
e) Hundreds of sea-ports and thousands of airports will be permanently closed due to flood. The world economy will crash.
f) Refugee crisis, lawlessness, starvation, epidemics and violence etc. will be experienced all over the world.
g) Acute shortage of potable water, food and life-saving medicines will be experienced. Due to the sudden rise in sea water level, all the water resources on the land namely lakes, rivers, ponds etc will be mixed with salty sea water and hence will not be drinkable without desalination.
h) Most of the colleges, schools, hospitals, offices, hotels, banks, shops etc. will cease to function.
i) No effective communication will be possible especially in the affected zone.
j) No electricity/power will be available in the affected zone.
k) People who are living in high rise buildings will have to come down. Lift and lift man may not be there always. You also will be deprived of water to drink. Your heavy bank balance, currency notes, possession of costly metals, luxurious items and false ego will have no value during such emergency situation.
l) Many national and international roads including the connecting roads will be permanently blocked and closed down.
m) Most of the nuclear, chemical and biological weapons we have produced to kill each other will go out of control and explode. This will make the survivors’ life miserable and most of them will be succumbed to this man-made tragedy.
a) Vacate from the low-lying areas and settle down in the elevated locations. Now you have sufficient time.
b) Stop all construction activities in the low-lying areas and costal belts.
c) Try to establish self-sufficient villages in elevated locations because only such villages can survive during this crisis.
d) Ladies must abstain from getting pregnant as this will be a major handicap during this crisis.
e) Use hand operated gadgets for farming, kitchen and for weaving clothes etc.
f) Collect locally available seeds of food grains, vegetables, medicinal herbs etc. for future use. Set up a treatment centre in the farm with the locally available medicinal herbs.
g) Government must diffuse and shut down the nuclear, chemical, biological weapon plants with immediate effect
h) Provide adequate facilities for drinking water at elevated locations
i) Move all the important documents and movable valuables to the safer zone (Please refer the below map for zone areas)
j) Make sure availability of manually operated boats and floating houses
k) Self-sufficient farm village is the only escape route to save humanity from the disaster.
For more details click here.
a) What are the scientific reasons for the sudden rise of sea water level?
b) Why is it a permanent increase of sea water level?
c) What is the source of such a huge quantity of water?
d) What happens to the existing constructions/multi-storied buildings submerged in water?
e) What happens to the existing bridges, airports, shipyards etc submerged in water?
f) What is the fate of millions of refugees who lost their lands, buildings and the entire belongings overnight?
g) What happens to the survivors who are inundated in high-rise buildings, elevated locations and islands?
h) Why is the rescue operation ineffective or mostly impossible?
i) Why it is going to be a sudden eruption of epidemics all over?
j) Why there will be complete breakdown of law and order, violence and anarchy?
k) What is the estimated loss of life of human beings?
l) List of countries that are going to be completely wiped out from the atmosphere?
m) What are the prominent cities completely swallowed by sea?
n) What is the fate of survivors?
Refer the book “Radiation of multiple internal and external forces in you” for detailed answers. Life is very precious. Take enough precautions before it is too late.
For detailed scientific explanation refer book
Know about Predictions I, II, III, IV and V
Know about Other Predictions