12 Aug Plastic Plywood
Posted at 05:23h
in Life-saving Projects
“Let us Transform the world from Plastic waste”
Conventional plywood, as you may be aware is an engineered wood with materials manufactured from layers or piles of wood veneer and glued together. Contrary to this conventional system, plastic plywood technology follows totally a different method. Waste plastic is the main component in the making of plastic plywood. Plastic plywood is the most superior and cost-effective substitute of all types of wood and plywood.
Highlights of Plastic Plywood from the house of Gurukripa Ancient Science Study Centre
- The technology of Plastic Plywood from the house of Gurukripa Ancient Science Study Centre is to make very effective use of plastic waste. Thus, the worthless plastic waste that is being burnt and thrown into our precious water and soil can be converted into very strong and durable plywood which can be utilized for multiple purposes.
- This Plastic Plywood will be of the most superior quality of all the plywood that is being manufactured today.
- Plastic Plywood is very strong, steady and light-weighted when compared to any other building materials used for construction. It can withstand intense pressure. It can be utilized for interior works of automobiles, aircrafts, high rise buildings etc. This quality of Plastic Plywood will solve many of the existing problems in construction industry like high-rise buildings and even to the extent of constructing portable tents in the outer space.
- Plastic Plywood is long lasting and will remain without any damage for centuries. No fungus, bacteria or insect can cause any kind of damage. It is almost bullet-proof. Wear and tear are almost zero. In case of future replacement, it can be reused as a raw material for making new Plastic Plywood. It can be reused any number of times without compromising on the quality.
- Plastic Plywood is a non-conductor of electricity. Houses, boats, offices etc made of Plastic Plywood will save the people from high degree of thunder bolts and lightning. It can be used in all objects for blocking the flow of electricity. Its industrial, domestic, commercial applications are therefore several times higher than the existing plywood.
- It can be manufactured very economically as the main component of Plastic Plywood is waste plastic. Its cost will not exceed 50% of the cost of existing plywood.
- It prevents deforestation and re-calibrates the eco-system. Introduction of plastic plywood will help us to consume almost 100% of existing waste plastic within a year if introduced world-wide. Plastic Plywood is far better than real natural wood, meeting all our requirements in the construction, electrical, electronic, hardware etc industries. Our over-dependence on natural wood will be substantially reduced. This will help us to prevent deforestation automatically as Plastic Plywood is of superior quality than even the natural wood. People will start earning reasonable value from used plastic waste and they will stop burning or disposing it. We can thus get rid of one of the fatal air polluting substance from the planet Earth. Introduction of Plastic Plywood can save the environment from heavy air, water, and soil pollution caused out of waste plastic. Useless plastic waste will become very useful commodity in demand.
- Plastic Plywood can be easily manufactured in any plywood manufacturing factory with certain additional facilities and modifications.
- It has got excellent resistance power. Plastic plywood withstands any extreme level of cold without any damage, for any period of time and maintains the temperature inside the construction at a comfortable level. It is ideally suitable for extreme hot and cold climatic conditions.
- Plastic plywood is a wonder product for construction on hill-tops and high ranges. Construction of buildings using plastic plywood does not require any conventional building materials such as cement, sand, rock, wood etc. The construction cost therefore can be brought down to less than 30% of the present construction cost. No repair work nor painting is required for constructions using Plastic Plywood.
- Plastic plywood can effectively be used for any type of construction in any type of terrain including low-lying areas. It is 100% water resistant and strongly recommended for frequent flood-prone areas. Floating houses, restaurants, helipads, boats etc can be constructed using plastic plywood. Flood can cause no damage to such constructions. It can be used for under water constructions as well. Thus it is a life-saving solution during the global flood disaster.
- Plastic Plywood has very tuff but smooth surface and is not vulnerable to scratches. It can be made 100% dent-free, bend-free and at the same time very rigid. It can also be effectively used as roof sheets, floor tiles etc with various colors and designs.
A comparative chart of various features of engineered plywood, natural wood and plastic plywood:
Sl. No. | Particulars | MDF and other types of boards | Plywood made of soft wood | Plywood made of hard wood | Marine plywood | Natural wood (timber) | Plastic Plywood (from the house of Gurukripa Ancient Science Study Centre) |
1 | Durability | Poor | Below average | Average | Above average | Good, depending on the quality, age and usage | Excellent (Ever-lasting under any circumstances) |
2 | Load bearing capacity of ¾ inch thickness | Poor | Below average | Average | 50 lbs | Average | Greater than concrete in the case of reinforced plastic plywood |
3 | Cost 4×8 ft. sheet with ¾ inch thickness | USD 9 | USD 10 | USD 10 | USD 12-15 | USD 25 | USD 3 |
4 | Water resisting ability | Nil | Nil | Nil | Poor | Average, depending on the type of wood | 100% water-resistant |
5 | Reusability | Nil | Nil | Nil | Poor | Good | Excellent (reusable any no. of times without compromising on quality) |
6 | Eco-friendly | Poor | Poor | Poor | Poor | Good | Excellent (Existing waste plastic causing heavy damage to the eco-system is the raw material of plastic plywood.) |
7 | Scratches | Vulnerable | Vulnerable | Vulnerable | Vulnerable | Vulnerable | Has tuff, smooth surface and is not vulnerable to scratches |
8 | Dents and bends | Very prone to dents and bends | Very prone to dents and bends | Very prone to dents and bends | Very prone to dents and bends | Prone to dents and bends | Can be made 100% dent-free, bend-free and at the same time rigid |
9 | Health effective | Health hazardous (glue and adhesives used can cause cancer) | Health hazardous (glue and adhesives used can cause cancer) | Health hazardous (glue and adhesives used can cause cancer) | Health hazardous (glue and adhesives used can cause cancer) | Excellent | Excellent. No content in Plastic Plywood is causing adverse impact on health or the eco-system |
10 | Availability of good quality item | Difficult to judge the quality | Difficult to judge the quality | Difficult to judge the quality | Difficult to judge the quality | Difficult to judge the quality | Excellent quality always. Available in abundance |
11 | Biotic factors | Can cause decay by fungus, bacteria or insects | Can cause decay by fungus, bacteria or insects | Can cause decay by fungus, bacteria or insects | Can cause decay by fungus, bacteria or insects | Can cause decay by fungus, bacteria or insects | Imperishable for centuries. No fungus, bacteria or insect can cause any kind of damage. It is almost bullet-proof |
12 | Wear and tear | Very high | Very high | Very high | Very high | Very high | Almost zero |
13 | Worm attack | Highly prone | Highly prone | Highly prone | Highly prone | Highly prone | Nil |
14 | Sculpture pliability | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil | Good for certain type of wood | 100% sculpture-friendly |
15 | Resistance in extreme cold climate | Very poor | Very poor | Poor | Poor | Good, depending on certain type of wood | Excellent resistance power. Ideally suitable for extreme cold climate. |
16 | Resistance in extreme hot climate | Very poor | Very poor | Poor | Poor | Good, depending on certain type of wood | Excellent resistance power. Ideally suitable for extreme hot climate. |
17 | Furniture making | Not fit | Not fit | Average | Average | Good | Ideally suitable for making any type of furniture |
18 | Flooring tiles | Cannot be used | Cannot be used | Cannot be used | Cannot be used | Can be used | Most efficient flooring tiles |
19 | Roofing tiles | Cannot be used | Cannot be used | Cannot be used | Cannot be used | Cannot be used | Most efficient roofing tiles |
20 | Water-proof | Not water-proof | Not water-proof | Not water-proof | Not water-proof | Not water-proof | 100% water-proof |
View Detailed Project Report of Plastic Plywood
Proposal solicited from corporate houses having inter-continental infrastructure or governments to implement the project.
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