With regard to worshipping books published by M/s. Gurukripa Enterprises, the following to be noted: Strictly NO flower offering, NO incense offering, NO lamp offering, NO garland offering to the books published by M/s. Gurukripa Enterprises. This is applicable even to the author of the books. Strictly...

Send email with the below details with subject starting with ACCL. Your name (full name as per records) Name of the institution Your designation in the institution Address Contact email id Contact number (with code) Briefly describe about yourself and your occupation What is the event for which you are applying for the...

“A search light to expose hidden diseases in the body” This is one of the special services from M/s. Gurukripa Enterprises, introduced for the benefits of the humanity suffering from physical, mental and intellectual weaknesses/diseases. It is a treatment consultation service. It is very cost effective...

As you are all aware that modern medical treatment system is deeply relying on machine-made reports to assess the disease condition in the body of patients. Use and misuse of these scanning systems are spread all over the world. Even a small nursing home is...

Acute scarcity of 100% eco-friendly power will be experienced all over the world once we make a full stop to polluting power generating technologies. We cannot any more afford to pollute atmosphere and carry on with our activities. Our scientists are not concentrating on the...

“A Testimony of Cosmic Realities” Ateendriya Charitra Chalachitra Leghyam is an ancient wireless communication system existed in a highly technologically developed society in the past. They could communicate and establish contacts with each other, living in far away places. They exchanged views, ideas, technological developments, in...

It is perhaps one of the most dangerous disasters. Gas lava has the ability to perish all living beings including humans in and around about few kilometers of area. Sudden death will happen instantly along with the explosion. No time to take any precaution...