Power preservation from Thunderbolt1

Power preservation technology from Thunder Bolt

“Bolt from blue now turns to a boon to mankind”

Bolt from blue, turning to be a boon to mankind with the introduction of this technology. It is a power preservation technology as the power has already been generated by Nature and given to us in the form of Thunder Bolt. This can replace all existing power generating technologies -both conventional and renewable energy sources. The world is currently spending over USD 6 trillion per year on energy production. It is about 10% of the world’s GDP. This can be brought down to less than 0.5% with the introduction of this technology. The total energy requirement of the world can be met from this single source. The technology can be introduced within the country or restricted to a group of nations who are willing to switch over to this new technology. It can be introduced continent-wise or intercontinental wise, covering the entire world.

The technology emits zero pollution and can supply electricity to consumers @ USD 1 for 120units of electricity inclusive of all costs. Countries with abundant seasonal natural thunder can make a huge income by selling electricity to other nations.

Detailed proposal can be prepared and given to interested corporate houses, governments or other international governing bodies.

View Detailed Project Report of Power Capturing and Storing technology from Thunder Bolt

Proposal solicited from corporate houses having inter-continental infrastructure or governments to implement the project.

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